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How to Repair Cracked Screen of Kindle?

Cracked Screen of a device has been a big problem for years and there are fewer chances to get it totally resolved from our lives. As technology advancement all over the world is increasing day by day, we are moving towards an era of digital life. Every analog machine is converting to the digital one and so the life of human being. Before digitalization, people read books via physical means. They carry all the documents or books with them whenever they travel. This lets the user carry a certain weight with them everywhere. But in this world, this is totally eliminated from the lives of human.


Nowadays, we have various devices to read the documents in digital form which eliminates all the ill effects of carrying physical books. In such devices, Amazon Kindle is the most popular one. You can read digital files and documents with ease using this device. The shape of the device is like a tablet mobile but its screen basically made to read files. It provides a good level of comfort to the readers so that they can enjoy reading as long as they want. What if the device slipped from your hands and got broken. Most probably, the screen will be cracked and it is the vital part of the device. Without this, you cannot continue reading. If you are looking for a solution which can help you to repair the device at home, you are reading the right article. In this, Kindle Customer Care is going to provide the procedure to repair the cracked screen. The procedure to do so is discussed below:-


  • The first task you need to do is Turn Off your Kindle and turn the back panel upward. Use a flat surface and turn it down.
  • Slide the back panel and remove the battery from the device. Keep it aside.
  • A total of eight screws are used in this device to tighten up the whole machine. You need to unscrew them using a screwdriver. You can use any screwdriver whichever suits the fitting of the screw.
  • Remove all the screws precisely. Don’t put extra pressure on screws to remove them.
  • After opening, unplug all the connected ribbon cables to the ports placed on the top of the Motherboard.
  • Lift the motherboard from the specific housing and put it aside.
  • You will see a metal frame above the screen which covers the back of the screen. Remove the frame and keep it aside.
  • Remove the cracked screen from the housing and fit a new one in place of it. Make sure to purchase an original screen in replacement with the cracked part.
  • Re-assemble all the removed parts one by one and start the device.



Struggling to Repair Cracked Screen? Call the Experts Now

The procedure to repair a screen is a bit technical. The user must have knowledge about the device and handling the mechanical parts. If you are having an issue to repair your screen, feel free to contact the experts at Kindle Technical Support Phone Number +1-855-601-0005 and all your problems and queries will be resolved in seconds. You don’t need to worry anymore, just pick up the phone and contact us.